Foreign currency exchange trading is a tempting pastime, not unlike skydiving. It can be extremely exciting, and few people dare to take it up. And just like skydiving, forex trading requires thorough preparation and education to avoid disaster. This article presents a few tips that can help a forex trader steer away from a cataclysmic crash.

Forex trading is usually highly leveraged. When operating with large amounts of leverage a proper money management technique is essential. Never have more than 2% of your capital and risk on a given trade or 6% of your capital at risk at any given time. This way, even if all the money you have at risk is completely lost, you can still trade again the next day.

If you aim to participate in forex trading, your goals should be as specific as you can possibly make them. If your goals are not specific, you are much more likely to fail because you have no plan. If you make specific goals, you can work hard to achieve them.

When starting out in Forex, it's best to stay close to home. The easiest culture to understand, and therefore the easiest currency to trade in, is Canadian. Since the Canadian dollar moves in similar trends to the American dollar but with fewer extremes, it makes a good low-risk investment currency.

Learn the difference between gambling and trading, to protect yourself. The forex market can be dangerous for those with predilections towards gambling and addictive behavior. Learn the warning signs of a gambling problem like mood swings, obsession with the market and an inability to control your behavior. If you see these patterns stop trading and get some help.

When trading with a broker, it is important that you choose an account package that fits your expectations, as well as, your knowledge level. Meeting with your broker and deciding what is the best move can be tricky, so always go with the lowest leverage when just starting out.

When your Forex gets on a losing trend, get out. Don't wait until you have nothing left. Many unsuccessful traders have tended to ride out a downturn for way too long. You are looking for upturns so take the chance to get what is left from a loser and put it into a winner.

You'll need certain rules to live by if you're expecting to make profits in the Foreign Exchange Market. One such rule to live by: Always buy the dips in an uptrend market and always sell the bounces in a downtrend market. This formula is very simple to understand and can be very profitable if you adhere to it.

Buy some forex books from reputable authors or sign up for some classes with a professional forex trader to learn about technical analysis. Technical analysis involves analyzing charts of market action in order to forecast future price trends. Understanding and using technically analysis can dramatically increase your profits in the forex market, but remember that global events can also influence price trends.

If you find yourself unable to justify a decision or basing your trading on rumors, you should probably stop. A good trader needs to understand perfectly what he is doing, as well as, to be conscious of the risks taken. Before you trade, make sure you can justify and explain your actions.

If your research strengths lie with analyzing news, you will want to concentrate on "fundamental" strategies on the Forex market. Fundamental strategies are those that take their queues from political and economic news. In fundamental trading you review such news and make your trades based on how you believe currencies will be affected.

If you are just starting out in forex and you are still hesitant about investing your own money, sign up for a demo account with a broker that will enable you to try out your forex investment skills. Demo accounts allow you to trade with virtual money. It is a great way for you to practice without risking any real money.

Looking at Forex trading in the terms of baseball, you are not trying to get a home run at your first time up to bat. Be happy with the bunt that gets you to first base. Then move your aspirations to a double, then a triple. It is a race that is won with precision and not speed.

If you are trying to make money fast in the Forex market, it is important that you embrace the constant instability of the Forex market. If you are not prepared to tackle a market that is constantly changing, then you should not even step foot into the Forex trading world.

Forex trading is a realm that offers great potential rewards and equally great risks. Careful preparation and thorough education are the keys to maximizing the former and avoiding the latter. The tips presented above may help prepare traders for jumping into the forex markets with confidence and a good understanding of the dangers they will have to avoid.